How to Install WordPress 2025

Making a WordPress website isn’t hard. You can just follow the steps below and you will get a WordPress website up and running. From there, you can use a number of tutorials to follow building and customizing the website with a WordPress theme of your choice.

The first thing you have to do is get hosting. Hosting lets you install wordpress and is how you run your website and store the content.

WordPress is an open source software that almost 50% of the internet uses to run their websites. It has a large community and is always evolving and growing. You are choosing to build your website on a great platform!

Get Hosting to Install and Run WordPress

You can sign up for hosting at Hostinger. That’s what we use and what we recommend.

Why Hostinger?

  • It’s easy to use.
  • It’s fast.
  • We have no problems with it.
  • Great customer service.
  • You can get a free domain for a year.
  • It’s not expensive.
  • You have a 30 day money back guarantee with it.

You can use the link to go to the Hostinger website. It will let you have a discount and you can also use the coupon code SUPER10 for some addition % off.

On the Hostinger website you will see a few different plans. The premium plan should be good enough but you can always upgrade to the business plan if you want.

  • The main differences are the storage amounts and the daily or weekly back up option.

After you sign up for hosting, now we can do what we really came for!

Install WordPress and Register Domain

  • Select to install a WordPress website
  • Go through the options on the page
  • The main thing to note is we usually skip answering the type of website we are making
  • And we also skip the theme selection
  • And the custom plugins

The reason we skip these things for the WordPress installation is because there are more options to choose from on the WordPress dashboard and I want to be able to really see what’s available and I want that for you too.

All of the options on the installation page are things recommending by Hostinger. You can install them on the WordPress dashboard once WordPress is installed, so you aren’t going to miss out on anything.

Once you go through all the installation details, just click import and let everything install.

The WordPress Dashboard!

If you made it to this step, that means you are on the WordPress dashboard.

I will make a new video for a tour of WordPress and where everything is so you can navigate but you now have a wordpress website up and running using the default 2025 theme.

To log in directly from the domain you register, you can use the URL website and you can use your admin (probably your email address) and the password.

If you need to create a new password, you can hover over Users on the left side of the WordPress dashboard and click users and click on the admin user

  • You’ll see the username
  • And if you scroll down you can put in a password
  • Once you click save, you can log in directly and not have to go through a hosting dashboard.

If you want to install a WordPress theme, you can hover over appearance and click on themes and then click to add a new theme and check out the themes.

WordPress Settings

If you want to edit any of the general settings, you can go back to the WordPress dashboard and hover over settings and click on general

This is where you can go to change the website name and the email for the website.

We’ll cover more in another text tutorial on how to explore more of WordPress and get a theme installed and import demo content for you to customize.

I hope this was helpful in helping you set up and install WordPress so you have your own WordPress website!

Resources: Hostinger – where you can go to host your website and install WordPress