How to Make a WordPress Website 2025 With GeneratePress Theme

There are so many options to using WordPress to make a website nowadays that it’s very hard as a beginner to know what is possible. A lot of people show how to make a WordPress website using free versions of themes and the templates that can be used with them and that is a great start, but the websites are usually very basic and not very professional.

As much as I enjoyed saving money, I think its important to also make sure we create something that can looks professional and modern. I think it is important to make sure that what we make is unique and something you can be proud of – whether you are making the website for yourself or for someone else.

This is a text tutorial that supports a video tutorial on how to make a wordpress website using the GeneratePress theme. The steps in this video are the same as those in the video and sometimes we can also include some additional details like color codes or some html/css that you can copy and paste if necessary. For some, you will not need this text tutorial but for other’s it is helpful to have so you can reference.

If you have any questions about using how to use WordPress or how to use the GeneratePress theme, please feel free to reach out or leave a comment and we can help you out or guide you to where you can find the solution.

Is GeneratePress Theme Good?

Whether something is good or bad is subjective but from my perspective, after having used many different themes and exploring a lot of them that I end up passing on, I think the GeneratePress theme is one of the best one’s I’ve come across. So much so that I actually use it myself for my own websites. 

Why GeneratePress?

  • It is easy to use – integrated with the WordPress pagebuilder
  • It has modern templates that look professional
  • It isn’t overpriced

If you do not want to pay for GP Premium, you do not need to. The premium version is not for everyone but I do think that it is helpful to have and a lot of the free themes don’t really give you the same customer features that can really make your website go from good to great.

I don’t think the GeneratePress theme is expensive and in the long run, you are still saving a lot of money building the WordPress website yourself and I would rather pay a little to get something that helps us create a really professionally designed website. While I think that the content and services provided matter much more than the website design, I think a lot of people use websites and social media presence to evaluate whether someone is credible or not. For that reason alone, I think it is important to make sure we use the best resources available to us in order to make something that is designed well and has a good user experience.

Why Do We Need Hosting?

Hosting lets you install WordPress and store your content so you can run and manage your own WordPress website. This gives you full control of your website which is important to a lot of people and businesses because it means they are not held to the terms of a service provider and can have their site shut down or locked if a third party decides it doesn’t meet terms and conditions of the content management service company.

You are more than welcome to use a third party platform like to host your website and there are a lot of other hosting companies that you can use in order to run your website, it’s up to you to decide which provider you want to use but the one we recommend and use in our tutorials is Hostinger (as of January 2025). 

Why Hostinger?

I’ve used most of the different host service companies that allow you to install WordPress and based on my own experience, I think Hostinger is the best one I’ve used and it’s not too expensive or bloated with services and options that I do not need. There are other reasons why I recommend Hostinger for our tutorials, including –

  • Easy to navigate and use
  • Installing WordPress is really straight forward
  • You can register a free domain with a 12 month + plan
  • I haven’t experienced any downtime compared to other providers

You can host up to 100 websites on the cheapest plan – that means I can make multiple websites and not have to pay for a new hosting plan each time

The selling points most say to use a certain host provider are things that almost all host companies offer, including Hostinger. This includes 

  • 30 day money back guarantee (I do like this and have used it myself in the past for hosting plans!)
  • Free website domain (not every plan or company provides this)
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee (this pretty much means your website will always be up and running which is how it should be so it shouldn’t be a special feature but something everyone offers!)

You can check out Hostinger yourself and see if you like the plans and the features. If you end up signing up or wanting to sign up, I think the premium plan is all you really need but you can always choose the business plan or upgrade if you want. 

The link in this text tutorial and in the video description are affiliate links for Hostinger and other resources. What this means is, if you click to use our link, we may get a small referral reward from the company – no charge to you, which helps support our channel to make free video tutorials like this one. So thank you in advance if you do use our link, it is much appreciated!

Step 1: Get Hosting

We already spoke about why you should get hosting with Hostinger but it’s up to you to decide what is best for you. In this section, we will go through what you need to do in order to get hosting set up. 

  • Go to the Hostinger website
  • Choose the plan that you would like (the premium plan is good enough usually)
  • Select the plan period – 12 months usually gives you enough time to know whether you want to run a WordPress website or not
  • You can use the discount code SUPER10 to save some additional $
  • Create an account
  • Select to install WordPress
  • You can select to create a blank website
  • Search for a domain that you want to use for your website and you can register it
  • If you want, you can also use a temporary domain
  • Now we can just wait for WordPress to install and then we can move on to the next step!

Step 2: Install The GeneratePress Theme

The first thing we need to do is install the GeneratePress theme for WordPress. We can do this after we install WordPress on the WordPress dashboard. All we have to do is hover over appearance and click on themes.

You will see the GeneratePress theme in the popular tab but you can also search for it. Just click on install and then activate.

Once you activate the theme, we want to go and get the premium version – the GP Pro. Use the link and go to the GeneratePress website.

You only need the GP Pro to follow the video so make sure you don’t upgrade to something more expensive than you need.

Once you get the GP Pro you want to download the zip file.

Now let’s go back to the WordPress dashboard and hover over plugins and click on Add new and install the plugin for the GeneratePress theme to get the premium features

Make sure you click activate

Step 3: Choose the Template You Want to Use

Hover over appearance and click on GeneratePress so we can go to the dashboard for GP Pro. We want to turn on / activate the modules we want to use, this includes the Site Library…make sure you activate that

Once you have the modules you want to use activated, we can click on the link to go to the site library for the GeneratePress theme and the WordPress website we are making

On the Site library page, you can choose whichever template you want to use to make your wordpress website. You can use almost any template and follow the video tutorial that we have, just know that if you are making an ecommerce website, you want to make sure you integrate Woocommerce in order to create products and take payments for your WordPress website.

Once you selec the template, click on the import button and then we will have the template and the demo content up loaded for the WordPress website we are learning how to make with the GeneratePress theme.

Step 4: Website Settings 

For every theme, you will have theme options and the ability to customize some of the default layout settings for your WordPress website. 

To go to your theme settings, on the homepage you can click on customize or you can go to the WordPress dashboard and hover over appearance and click on custom / theme options

On this page is where you can change the default settings such as the color, font style, spacing and other things. You can also customize the header and footer but we will also come back to this later in the tutorial with wordpress and the GeneratePress theme.

If you make any changes, make sure you click on the save/publish button.

You also can override these settings when you create and customize the individual website pages so these are just the default settings that are what you start with based on what is selected. Also, just know that you can keep things as is and that’s what I normally do since I am choosing a template that I like for the design and I don’t really change that most of the time but that’s just for me and you can do as you wish.

Step 5: Username, Password and Logging In

This isn’t necessary to do but incase you want to change your password for the WordPress website or log in directly from your website rather than going through the host provider, you can go to your user profile on the left hand side. 

There is a tab labeled user, click on it and edit the admin user.

You can change the password here.

To login you would use the url

Now back to the tutorial…

Step 6: Edit Homepage

To edit your pages, you want to hover over pages and click on all pages.

We are going to show you how to edit the homepage in order to learn how to use the pagebuilder for WordPress and the GeneratePress.

To edit the homepage or any page for your WordPress website, you can use the blocks. All you have to do is click inside each of the elements and you should be able to customize it.

There will be a tab on the right side called blocks that you can click into in order to edit the section you are working on.

You can also use the elements to add a new section or add elements to your website. All you have to do is click on the + to add a new element.

If you want to see the structure of the section or the page just click on the little three line icon on the top left and you should be able to see the structure.

You can click in each container or in each element to expand it. You can back into the different sections this way also.

In this section you can learn how to change the background images, the text, the colors, the buttons and all the spacing and add new sections and elements.

Step 7: Responsive Website for Mobile

In order to make sure the WordPress website looks good on all devices including the iPhone and android device, we want to make sure we are viewing the website with the different screen sizes so we can make sure it looks right.

On the upper right you will see some icons, the furthers on the left side (on the right) if that makes sense, is the icon for the different devices. You can check out the views there.

When you are on one of the device views, you can change the spacing and sections so you can customize it for the mobile and table website.

Make sure you click on the blue button to save your changes if you make any.

Step 8: Edit Header and Footer + Menu

To edit the header and the footer, you can go to the WordPress website dashboard and hover over appearance and click on menus

This is where you can edit the menus. Depending on the template you are using, you may have more than one menu created and you can switch between them. The one that has the primary and/or off-canvas menu is normally the primary header menu.

If you want to edit the header and the footer, you can go to the theme options which is under appearance > options. For the footer, using the GeneratePress theme, it is likely that you will need to go to the elements tab which is under the GeneratePress tab on the left hand side of the dashboard.

Step 9: Changing the Website Template

If you want to change the website template, you can go back to the GeneratePress set up by hovering over appearance and clicking on GeneratePress

  • Click on the site library to go back into the website template page
  • Remove the existing website template
  • And then you can choose and import a new one


This is all you really need in order to get your WordPress website up and running and make it work on mobile and make it responsive for the iPhone and android devices using GeneratePress and the GeneratePress GP Pro.

If you have any questions or need more help or want to see how to make an ecommerce website using GeneratePress, just let us know!

I hope you make a professional and great looking WordPress website with the GeneratePress theme. See you next time!