Make a Real Estate Website with The Houzez Theme

I made a real estate website and honestly, I think someone would pay thousands of dollars for it if they owned a real estate agency or wanted a real estate website.

I don’t know the going rate for real estate websites or how much web designers charge but I remember paying maybe $20,000 when I had no idea how easy it was to make a website with WordPress or any other CMS like SquareSpace.

Nowadays, I think anyone can make a website for less than $10 if they want to use a free theme and under $100 if they want to use a premium theme that. I sometimes thing $100 is too much for a beginner but I have to remind myself that people are willing to pay when they think something is complicated.

Good news though! Making a real estate website with WordPress and the Houzez theme is not hard but easy. The only thing for a real estate website is that there are a lot of little details they you may want to include for your listings…but with great details…comes (hopefully) great commissions!

Here’s a look at what the Real Estate website from the Houzez Theme tutorial we made. It looks like (above the fold)…meaning what you see when you go to the website.

There’s a bunch below it for real estate listings, real estate agents, a call to action and so forth. Even an About Page, For Sale, For Rent, Blog and Contact page.

If you want to check out the real estate website wordpress theme that we use and that we think is the best real estate website theme for wordpress…check out the Houzez theme. It ranks #1 on the Envato Marketplace.

So here are the steps to create the real estate website with WordPress that we made. Follow them and you can also have a real estate website or real estate agency website up and running easily using the Houzez Theme and WordPress.